
개발자가 놓지지말아야할 책 베스트70

outliers 2012. 6. 14. 16:51

프로그래머에게 도움이 될만한 필독서 64
원문 :

출처: 월간 마이크로소프트웨어 2001년 11월호
개발자가 놓지지말아야할 책 베스트70

개발자가 놓지지말아야할 책 베스트10
Thinking In Java/Bruce Eckel
Practical C Programming/Steve Oualline
Instant CORBA/Robert Orfali,Dan Harkey,Jeri Edwards
Modern Database Management/Fred R.McFadden,Jeffrey A.Hoffer,Mary B.Prescott
Programming Pearls/Jon Bently
Effective C++/Scott Meyers
Unix Network Programming/W.Richard Stevens
MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel/Jean J.Labrosse
Unix Internals:The New Frontiers/Uresh Vahalia
Extreme Programming Installed/Ron Jeffries,Ann Anderson,Chet Hendrickson

개발자가 놓지지말아야할 책 베스트40
Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines/Apple Computer Staff
Design Patterns/Gang of Four
Refactoring/Martin Fowler
The Pragmatic Programmer:From Journeyman to Master/Andrew Hunt,David Thomas,Ward Cunningham(Preface)
Peopleware:Productive Projects and Teams/Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister
Linkers and Loaders/John R. Levine
Client Server Database Enterprise Computing/James Martin
DataWareHouse From Architecture To Implementation/Bary Devlin
Operation System Design-The XINU Approach/Douglas Comer
Writing Solid Code/Steve Maguire
Algorithm+Data Structure=Programs/NIclus Wirth
Code Complete/Steve McConnell
Component Software:Beyond Object Oriented Programming/Clemens Szyperski
Software Reuse-Architecture,Process and Organization for Business Success/Ivar Jacobson,Martin Griss,Patrik Jonsson
Extreme Programming Explained/Kent Beck
Applying UML and Patterns,2nd Ed/Craig Larman
The Java Programming Languages, 3rd Ed/David Holmes,James Gosling,Ken Arnold
리눅스 완전분석으로 가는 길/박장수
Operating System Concept/Abraham Silberschatz
TCP/IP Illustrated Volume I,II,III/W.Richard Stevens
Advanced Programming in UNIX Environments/W.Richard Stevens
Understanding COM+/David S.Platt
Compilers: Principles,Techniques and Tools/Jeffrey D.Ullman
Numerical Reciples in C/William H.Press
The C++ Programming Language Special Ed/Bjarne Stroustrup
Effective STL/Scott Meyers
Professional Jini/Sing Li
C++ Primer/Stanley B.Lippman,Josee Lajoie
대용량 데이터베이스 시스템/이화식,조광원
Armchair Universe/A.K.Dewdney
Writing for Computer Science/Justin Zobel
The C Programming Language/Brian W.Kernighan,Dennis M.Ritchie
Bugs in Writing Revisted:A Guide to Debugging Your Prose/Lyn Dupre
The Design of The UNIX Operationg System/Maurice Bach
Building Business Objects/Peter eles,Oliver Sims
The Art of Computer Programming:Fundamental Algorithms/D.Knuth
Professional ATL COM Programming/Ricard Grimes
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 2/Douglas Schmidt
Inside Java2 Virtual Machine/Bill Venners
Understanding ActiveX/COM/David Chappell

개발자가 놓지지말아야할 책 베스트20
Fundamentals of Data Structues in C++/Ellis Horowitz,Dinesh Mehta
Computer Networks/Andrews.Tanenbaum
Modern C++ Design/Andrei Alexandrescu
Database System Concepts/Abraham Silberschatz,Henry F.Korth,S.Sudarshan
Modern Database Management/DaFred R.McFadden,Jeffrey A.Hoffer,Mary B.Prescott
Data Mining:Concepts and Techniques/Jiawei Han,Micheline Kamber
The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System/Marshall Kirk McKusick,Keith Bostic,Michael J.Karels
UNIX Power Tools/Jerry D.Peek,Tim O’Reilly,Mike Loukides
The Unix Programming Environment/Brian W.Kernighan,Rob Pike(Contributor),Robert Pike
The Cathedral & The Bazaar/Eric S.Raymond
The Society of MIND/M.Mmsky
Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML/Meilir Page-Jones
Computer Organization and Design:The Hardware/Software Interface/David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
Design Web Usability The Practice of Simplicity/Jakob Nielsen
Introduction to Algorithms/Charles E.Leiserson,Ronald L.Rivest, Thomas H. Cormen
Introduction to the Team Software Process/Watts S.Humphrey,Marc Lovelace
Mythical Man Month/Frederick P.Brooks
The Psychology of Computer Programming/Gerald M.Weinberg
After the Gold Rush/Steve C McConnell
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Ed/Harold Abelson,Gerald Jay Sussman,Julie Sussman